• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • i take photos for my school and i get it, it feels really weird. i have anxiety and i’ve just found the more u do it the less nervous u get. now i’ve been doing this for 3 years and still sometimes get the nerves and it’s totally normal to feel awkward at first. but the best photos r the ones u have to get uncomfortable for to get the shot. i’ve also had a lot of people laugh to their friends while or after taking the photo and i just kind of smile or laugh with them, it’s weird but it works and makes it less awkward. for tips start off in big crowds, i know that sounds weird but if there’s less people they’re more likely to look at u and you’ll notice when they do because there’s not many people around. it’ll be harder to take the photo, but 1. u might get a cool photo, and 2. ur getting out of ur comfort zone and getting used the taking photos around people. this is what helped me

  • hey yearbook staff member and photographer here! how it works for our school is if ur a student photographer u take photos, edit them, and submit them to us. we would pick whichever photos to use AND give photo credit to them. we credit everyone to photo by’s, photo courtesy’s, graphic by’s, and page by’s. there is no way for them to be considered copyrighted useless u go out of the way to copyright them urself as far as i know. if u no longer feel comfortable letting them use ur photos u need to tell them asap. something like “i no longer feel comfortable letting u use my photos” or “i don’t feel comfortable letting u use my photos without the proper credit by photo”. i also don’t know how ur yb is like, do they usually not give photo credit? is there a reason for u to think u won’t get the credit u deserve? if it’s bc she’s new or rude, maybe just make sure u get credited by talking to whoever is in charge of the yearbook or it’s staff. feel free to pm me if u have questions!