Apologies if this isn’t allowed, it’s more of a rant. Just wondering how everyone deals with the whole family asking for free photos thing.

For context, I’m a professional fashion/commercial photographer so family portraits aren’t going to help my portfolio or anything. My schedule is incredibly busy year round, even more so during the holidays, and I’m also a mother of two young kids. So if I’m not in parent mode, I’m working- often until midnight, and then I’m awake around 5:30 with the kids. I know it sounds like I’m complaining and… well, I kind of am, but want to give an accurate picture of how little time I have available to be doing free photos.

So every year, my in-laws want a family session. Not just a quick snap but like a full session. And every year I do it because they’re my in-laws and I don’t want them to think badly of me. The one time I hinted at being annoyed at this yearly request they were flabbergasted, saying “I thought you liked photography? It doesn’t take much time, does it?” This year I feel like I might snap. I’ve been racing to meet deadlines for huge clients that I’ve worked hard to get and I keep getting sidetracked with all of these family shoots (it is also happening with friends, other relatives). It’s not just the shoot- it’s deciding a location, responding to lengthy texts about what to wear, doing the editing- you guys know. It’s never “just a few pics”.

How can I deal with this?! Do I need to just suck it up and be a nicer person? I’m just burnt out af. Help.

  • MistyEvening@alien.top
    11 months ago

    When I first met my partners her family has a business and needed new portraits for their website of their office employees. Her father asked for my services and said to invoice him amount. So I did.

    Then he went any complained to my partner that I charged him and that I should be giving it to him for free because I owe him for all the invites to their family events like Christmas dinners and thanksgiving. They even bought me tickets to go to cayman with them and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

    So eventually I gave and does their photos for free whenever they ask, sometimes I feel like there should be a mutual ground in this.

    Ask yourself what have they invested in you and done for you for you to give them this service in return if that’s what matters. ( a transactional relationship)

    Or just do it since is just an annual thing and suck it up Cus “family”