At what point does longer focal length no longer matter? I want to take photos of things far away, like across the street.

I would do a camera test if I still owned my 70-300 Canon kit lens but I don’t. Right now the longest focal length I own is a 24-70 for my Sony.

I remember about that lens, once I got out past 150-175m, it seemed like the FOV was just cropping in more rather than actually feeling closer to the subject. But that was a cheapo kit lens that had a terrible reputation. Does that just apply to cheap lenses or do more expensive lenses have more magnification?

Is there really a significant difference between 300, 400 and 600m lenses? Of course I have no physical access to any such lenses at the moment.

  • Bodhrans-Not-Bombs@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Subject compression is noticeable all the way past 600mm, just look at landscapes shot at that focal length and see how close everything gets together.

    It’s harder to tell with portraits because someone’s nose to eye distance isn’t that much to begin with. I love long telephoto portraits though, thinking about buying a 300/2.8 just for that reason…