Hello everyone. Yesterday it was the first time for me shooting sports. It was Volleyball. How the *** do professionals get solid photos with all the faces, people running around, athletes getting in your shot while you are focused on a subject, limited space etc? I took around 1300 photos. Only like 300 of them are usable. It was extremely tough anticipating the ball and trying to capture the action. And when I did… the faces… Oh my god. And not only that… it was women playing…you can imagine how many of the photos they will like. Some are pretty good athletic photos not gonna lie. And to my defense I had only one lens a 24-105 f/4. I am waiting for the new Sigma for Sony mount. I think it will help a lot. Anyway I would love some advice. Thank you.

Edit: By saying it was women I wasnt trying to be sexist at all. But my girlfriend was playing and when see saw the photos she would look at every minute detail of her body.

  • Resqu23@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Try NCAA Basketball and you will learn to hate Refs lol I know they don’t but it’s like they intentionally get in my shots and I have full access to where ever I want to shoot as long as I’m not on the actual court.

    My last game I saved about 25 shots, my team lost bad and I lost interest in trying to get great shots of a loss. If you got 300 I’d say you did great.

    Shoot low F stop, I shoot f/2.8 and try to focus on just the action, not what the team is doing. I do a lot of cropping also.

    • Johnako123@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      I guess maybe in the future i will find out!! although baskeball is not dominant in my country. I got 300 but now im reconsidering my choices! Yes i trid to capture some wide shots but it was a complete failure. Thank you for the tips.

    • wreeper007@alien.top
      11 months ago

      I’m 100% convinced that one specific ref in our conference will intentionally stand in front of my for basketball. Then again he has been in the conference so long that it shows how bad he is (we’re low level D1 so anyone good enough moves out, hes been here a decade).