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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023

  • I don’t blame you for not understanding it. Street photography has been beat and stretched so much in the last couple decades that what most people say or think street is isn’t what it was traditionally. It’s a victim of it’s own principles.

    Traditionally, street was antithesis to the early days of photography when photography was taking direction from the painting world and it’s principles. The idea was to create order out of chaos. Put a frame around a moment as it unfolded. That chaos, only existed in that moment (the decisive moment) and could not be recreated.

    The juxtaposition of people and their expressions, set against an unscripted backdrop of forms and signage, that sometimes balanced or counter balanced the overall scene made each frame unique. Good street photography is quite hard to achieve and without a deep understanding of how to analyze an image the complexity of it is often lost on people. Those that say it’s just a snapshot are missing what is really happening and need to look deeper.

    Most of what is considered street today is not street in the traditional sense. Long lenses, set up shots, heavy post production, etc. Isn’t what street was ever about.

    However, because street broke all the rules originally, I guess you could make an argument that what passes for street today is the evolution of that early revolt…

    IMO you have to see good street photography first and get an idea of what it is supposed to be before looking at what it’s become to really make up your mind (and your own interpretation).

    I would look at Henry Cartier Bresson, Gary Winogrand, Elliot Erwitt, Robert Frank, Walker Evans, Lee Friedlander, and Joel Meyerowitz.

  • Hard to find a platform that is truly all in one the way SmugMug is. The only options besides SM is Zenfolio and photoshelter. Everything else is lacking something, either handling payments, printing, backup, storage space, video storage etc.

    The video issue for you is going to be tough. most only store video by hours with caps at like 5 hours of video. others have size limits and to get anything worthwhile as an add on is crazy expensive.

    Make two lists, 1 what you absolutely need / non negotiable and 2 what would be a nice to have, but not a deal braker. Then go though the sites and see who hits what you need the most.

    I can tell you right away. 95% of the options out there are not set up for storage for video or stills. Those that provide storage do not have any good way to catalog or organize, etc.

    I haven’t seen any using AI the way you are asking, that really should be done on your end prior to uploading. what ever site you choose, you will switch one day, or they will go out of business, get sold, etc. and all that tagging and AI stuff will either be lost or not readable by your next host / provider. Keep that stuff with the image.

    In the last 20 years I’ve used: Zenfolio, format, squarespace, pixpa, smugmug, wordpress (3 different times), & photoshelter. Currently with Smugmug. It’s okay. non of these are more than a 7 out of 10 in my opinion. What we need is the style and usablilty of squarespace and format with the backend of smugmug, photoshelter, ZF. Why no one has done this I have no idea. My guess is that it’s not possible to co this and make it affordable.