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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023

  • Back when I started shooting and digital wasn’t a thing yet, it was considered pretty normal to have one good/usable shot per roll of film. So I’d say that if around 5% of your photos are decent, you’re doing just fine.

    If we’re talking about actual great photos, 10 to 12 a year/one a month. Is doing pretty damn good.

  • Not in the least, in your example, the pictures would absolutely be able to be differentiated between

    If you put a 50 mm lens at f3 on a full frame sensor and take a picture from 10feet away from your subject with the background 10 feet behind your subject. And then take the same photo with the same lens, but now set at F2, on a crump sensor, and you want the same framing you will have to step back to about 15 feet, which means that the ratio of Camara to subject compared to subject to background has gone from one: one to 1.5: one but you have made the aperture small smaller you get the same apparent bokeh however, because of the difference in your physical position, when you took the photo, you introduced different parallax and differences between the apparent size of the subject and the background


    However, If you use a 50 mm F2 on a crop sensor and take a photograph 15 feet away from your subject with the background 10 feet behind them then you switch that exact same lens to a full frame camera and use the exact same settings and take the picture from the exact same spot with the exact same background, the full frame picture will have wider framing, (the subject will take up less of the frame) but once you crop it down to the same framing as the crop sensor camera it will be identical. But, if you were to do this, but utilize a larger aperture on the crop sensor camera, then once both pictures are cropped to the same framing, the crop sensor will have less bokeh of the aperture

    As I said, a lot of people think a lot of things because they don’t actually understand what’s going on

  • There’s no such thing as aperture equivalent. The reason that people say things like that is because they fundamentally misunderstand what’s going on.

    The people that do say things like that mean that if you are using a 50 mm lens at F2 to obtain a certain framing, you will be farther away from your subject with a crop sensor camera than you will, with the same exact lens on a full frame sensor camera. Because of the way that aperture affects the resulting boke. The crop sensor camera will appear to be similar to what you would have obtained using a larger aperture on the full frame camera at a closer distance to the subject. It has nothing to do with the amount of light physically let into the sensor, and if you were to take, the same picture of the same subject from the same position with both cameras, using the same lens and aperture and then crop the full frame image to match the framing of the crop sensor camera. The photos would be identical.