On average what would you say is your success rate when you go out to shoot? And what’s your experience level?

For myself who has a passion for photography but zero formal training and only purchased my first real camera less than a year ago, I’d say 1% of the pictures that I take are “good” or at least to the point to where I’d share them.

I know a lot comes from just going out and taking pictures but I feel like the gaps between when I go out and take pictures and actually sit at the computer and look at them is so spread out that I can never remember what I did or was thinking last time I was out shooting

  • datbarricade@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Bought my first camera about 2 years ago and did mostly landscapes since then. I had to learn a lot of basic photography, which reduced the pictures with actually nice compositions and correct exposure to a bare minimum of below 1%. Even now I push the button a dozen times just to get a feeling for how different a scene looks through the camera compared to how I see it.

    Overall, I had hiking vacations with about 1000 pictures and i used 150 of them for stitching panoramas and out of the rest, I kept about 30 for a photo book. But the quality that I would print them big and hang them on my wall? Maybe 5 of them.