So I take hundreds of photos a day, 5 days a week for work and have never had this happen to me before. I was copying my work onto my computer after working all day and 3/4 of the way, my sd card got corrupted and lost the ability to view/download my photos. On my computer and even on the camera. It’s like the information was there, but my camera said “Can’t play back” or something when trying to view, and my computer just showed it empty.

Luckily it was my biggest client, so it was not an issue to go back to reshoot my shots needed. But I’m very worried it will happen again. I have a big shoot today, with a potential big new client, and can’t have this happen again. Do I need a new sd card? I only have another micro sd with the adapter, so I’m just debating going to get a new one right before my shoot.

Has this happened to anyone before? And how do I prevent this in the future?

Thank You

  • MrBobaFett@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Yes. All flash memory eventually goes bad, Those little switches can only be flipped from 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 so many millions of times. They can also only be read so many millions of times even if you don’t change the bits.
    When I have to setup digital signage that plays back off of SD cards we start by getting high endurance cards, and then if you have say a looping video. You don’t just put the video on there and loop it. You put several copies of the video and you have it play copy 1, then 2, then 3… then loop to the beginning of the list because then it spreads those reads out over the whole card and it lasts longer before it crashes.
    As soon as you have errors with a card replace it. Depending on how heavy you use the card start putting retirement dates on them for some that might be every 6 months, for some that might be every year or two. They are cheap just get rid of it before it goes bad, always have spares.