I am a family photographer. I am slow at editing and do not rush. Often, I deliver a gallery and feel good about it, and then I see the photos on social media and I literally get sick to my stomach picking them apart. My last gallery I delivered, my client LOVED them and posted almost every photo on social media. She tagged me in all of them and spoke of how much she loved them. HOWEVER, I immediately saw so many flaws that I didn’t see while editing, and then I’m sick to my stomach, tearing them apart. Will I ever get past this? What started as a creative outlet for me is now giving me anxiety. I don’t want to give up, but I hate this feeling! 😫 Does this ever get better? Is this a very common thing?

  • Resident_Mouse6170@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Accept yourself. I was probably one of the best musicians in my town growing up and I was so critical of my own music that I have nothing to show for it. I deleted the songs, etc. With photography when you see flaws, it’s just something to work on.

    For example, I wouldn’t get close enough. Being an introvert. I could be taking a family portrait or any kind of portrait and I’d always be too far away. It’d look fine in the camera but on the computer I’d always end up having to crop it way in. Which takes away resolution. Having a higher MP camera saved me on one job.

    But then I learned to get closer. But EVEN THEN, I was making crops that looked even better so I learned to get even closer.

    Then I developed my own style, a lot of detail. So, say you have two people kissing, I will get so close that their full heads aren’t even in the shot, but their facial features out to their ears. Of course you don’t want to cut anything off that looks awkward.

    But those flaws are helping you develop a style.

    Family photographer, you might look at people using good strobe lights and you might not be and might see a big difference and feel inferior.

    • oceanseaturtle_@alien.topOPB
      11 months ago

      Thank you , so much for this! I KNOW I am comparing myself to big name photographers! I guess just improving MYSELF and stop comparing should be helpful. I just struggle with those inner voices that I suck!