it is said that full frame aperture equivalent of 2.8 to aps-c is 4.2. does it mean that shutter speed of aps-c is one stop slower that full frame on the same aperture? given the same focal length equivalent e.g. aps-c 23mm and ff 35mm.

  • RedHuey@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Ok, against my better judgment…

    Exposure is the same with every camera and lens. If a scene needs 1/100th @ f4 for correct exposure, it will need that setting (or it’s equivalent, like 1/200 @ f2.8) on every camera and every lens. Exposure is independent of sensor size. Exposure is independent of the camera or the lens. It works this way because everybody agreed that makes the most sense over 100 years ago. That way, you can pick up any camera and the exposure will be the same for any given lens.

    However, a smaller or larger sensor (or film) size will have other effects: depth of field will be different at the same f-stop with a FF versus an APS-C sensor. Field of view will also vary with the same lens on two cameras with different sensor sizes.

    There can be other less important effects, which are being argued about here pointlessly, but ignore them for now. What is important that that exposure is always the same, no matter the sensor size, but a different sensor size will effect depth of field and field of view.

    Just learn that. Ignore all the other nonsense in this thread for now. None of it is the important part. Once you completely understand what I have told you, then you can start looking at things like noise, etc.

    This is the simple correct answer to your question. No doubt someone will argue with it. Ignore it like I will.