I’m a hobbyist who is self trained, but am nearing my skill limit. What I’d really love to do is apprentice under a professional - as I learn far more watching professionals work than I do watching Youtube guides. Local classes really don’t interest me, I love to be in the “in the thick of it.”

I’m not looking to earn any money now, nor in the future. I am completely comfortable in my career field. I just want to act as someones shadow on any weekend jobs, with no expectation that I would be behind their camera. If that makes me nothing other than a glorified pack mule - then so be it!

I’m just curious if this sort of solicitation to local photographers would be welcomed, or bothersome. I want to be respectful above all else.

Any advice is welcomed.

  • Beatboxin_dawg@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I did that multiples times. Start with people you know, personally or vaguely, who are photographers or videographers. If that fails then Google photographers in your area. Google maps is handy for that. Mail around until a fish bites.

    I haven’t done weddings yet but I know wedding photographers always need a little extra help.