So yesterday I was in a value village and I see a camera bag sitting at the front counter, upon inspection it was a full kit with a minolta maxxum 5000, 4 lens, flash, filters, and manuals.

I’ve heard people throw the term plastic fantastic around here and there but never really heard it reference actual models, this is a plastic body camera and feels just as solid as my older slr cameras.

So would this be one of these plastic fantastic models or no?

  • stevedocherty@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    Up until the 80s ish most proper cameras were made mostly of metal. Some time in the early 80s a lot became plastic. For reference have a look at the difference between something like a Nikon F3 and then the F90. I think it’s quite a good name as a lot of these cameras were very good at taking pictures, they just didn’t feel as robust in the hand.

    • mikes550@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      Ya I can agree with that I have 3 pentax slrs a spotmatic sp 2, a k1000, and a super program, they all predate the 80s and certainly feel like bricks of steel compared to this minolta. However looking inside the chambers comparatively. it’s built with just as much quality and much more electronic of course then my other 3