So yesterday I was in a value village and I see a camera bag sitting at the front counter, upon inspection it was a full kit with a minolta maxxum 5000, 4 lens, flash, filters, and manuals.

I’ve heard people throw the term plastic fantastic around here and there but never really heard it reference actual models, this is a plastic body camera and feels just as solid as my older slr cameras.

So would this be one of these plastic fantastic models or no?

  • peperomia_pizza@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I have mostly heard it in reference to sharp entry level lenses, specifically the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF-D (but I’m a Nikon shooter, so of course that’s what I’m more focused on).

    Still, I have no problem extending the term to encompass the many fabulous mass produced plasticky SLRs out there. I have a Nikon F601m/N6000 which was cheap as hell and very reliable (it’s a weird one — a stripped down version of the f601/n6006 without autofocus or built in flash). One of my favorite things about these 80s/90s SLRs is how the back doors are designed with deep grooves that block out all light without needing foam padding, meaning they don’t suffer from as much light leaks due to foam degradation.