So yesterday I was in a value village and I see a camera bag sitting at the front counter, upon inspection it was a full kit with a minolta maxxum 5000, 4 lens, flash, filters, and manuals.

I’ve heard people throw the term plastic fantastic around here and there but never really heard it reference actual models, this is a plastic body camera and feels just as solid as my older slr cameras.

So would this be one of these plastic fantastic models or no?

    1 year ago

    They are plastic, but also fantastic.

    My LCS owner and I messed around with a 7000 recently and it was a pleasure to use, the lenses are good, only problem is the batteries exploded in the grip and broke the camera after about half an hour of testing, so I didn’t buy it lol.

    Take from that what you will, but I’ve seen others work perfectly fine too.